Road audio guide “On the road to Natashquan”


24, ch. d'en Haut,
Natashquan (Quebec)
G0G 2E0
Phone: 418 726-3054
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Price Legend: 30-50$
Périodes d’activités :
Starting and ending dates of operation :

Mid june to mid september


Ottawa: 1161 km
Montréal: 1017 km
Québec: 788 km


The audio road guide Sur la route de Natashquan (available in French only) is designed for visitors driving to eastern Minganie.

The two-CD box set is available on a rental-only basis at two locations: the Minganie Visitor Information Centre in Manitou Falls and the Havre-Saint-Pierre Visitor Information Centre at the Pélagie-Cormier Terminal. The tour starting point is the highway rest area 4.5 km east of Havre-Saint-Pierre. Listen to locals telling their stories and presenting their region and local attractions along the 150-km drive from Havre-Saint-Pierre to Natashquan, with suggested stopovers. The guide features music, songs, anecdotes, and much more.