Pourvoirie de la Haute-Saint-Jean | Outfitter


GPS : N 50.30109 W -64.31922, rivière Saint-Jean,
Rivière-Saint-Jean (Quebec)
G0G 2N0
Phone: 418 949-2457
No phone: 418 949-2255
Contact us by email
Visit our website

Number of units : 6
Périodes d’activités :
Starting and ending dates of operation :

June 3 to August 1 (approximate date)

General Informations

Maximum occupancy : 40
Number of beds : 35
Number of rooms : 20
Places to eat : European and American Plan
Far from the others : non
Close to the others : oui
Alone on water source : oui




Ottawa: 1005 km
Montréal: 870 km
Québec: 639 km


Pourvoirie de la Haute-Saint-Jean offers complete services with its American Plan, including guide, motorboat, accommodation, restaurant services, and more, plus preparation of your catch for shipping.

Available activity

@ Fishing


Pavillon La Sauvagesse
8 Person(s)
4 Room, 4 Bed
Chalet des Chutes
4 Person(s)
2 Room, 4 Bed
American Plan
Close to the others
Chalet Dunn
8 Person(s)
4 Room, 7 Bed
American Plan
Close to the others
Chalet Galbreath
6 Person(s)
3 Room, 6 Bed
American Plan
Close to the others
Chalet Grosse Roche
8 Person(s)
4 Room, 8 Bed
European Plan
Alone on water source
Grand Chalet
6 Person(s)
3 Room, 6 Bed
American Plan
Close to the others