Poste de traite Chauvin | Trading post


157, rue du Bord-de-l'Eau,
Tadoussac (Quebec)
G0T 2A0
Phone: 581 327-1100
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Price Legend: moins de 15$
Périodes d’activités :
Starting and ending dates of operation :

June to October. In May, for groups upon reservation.


Ottawa: 546 km
Montréal: 414 km
Québec: 186 km


Visit this reconstitution of the first settlement in New France, established in 1600 by Pierre de Chauvin de Tonnetuit. The log house was built in 1942 by William H. Coverdale, then owner of the Tadoussac Hotel, to show part of his extenside aboriginal objects collection. Today, the Chauvin Trading Post hosts a fun and interactive exhibit about the first contacts between Aboriginal and European cultures and fur trading.

Available activity

z Discovery of indigenous culture
î Guided activity

Services and commodities

h Sanitary block (toilet) nearby