Port-Cartier (Pointe-aux-Anglais) Pointe-aux-Anglais


Pointe-aux-Anglais ,
Port-Cartier (Quebec)

Phone: 418 766-4414
Toll free: 1 888 766-6944
No phone: 418 766-3855
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Périodes d’activités :
Starting and ending dates of operation :


Ottawa: 795 km
Montréal: 667 km
Québec: 438 km


Tourisme Côte-Nord promotes sites that allow you to do outdoor activities. Users are responsible for their own safety and for anyone else they are responsible for. Outdoor activities come with risks and it's the user's responsibility to make sure they respect what their physical limit is, as well as any regulations on site.


Population : see Port-Cartier

Bordered by an 11-km beach of fine sand, the village of Pointe-aux-Anglais owes its name to a shipwreck that occurred offshore in the era of New France. Learn the fascinating story of this major maritime disaster, and much more, at the Louis-Langlois Museum.

Early summer is the perfect time to fish for capelin, those small silver fish that come to spawn on nearby beaches by the thousands.

Local points of interest include: the 100-year-old church cemetery behind Saint-Paul-de-la-Pointe-aux-Anglais, and a hiking trail along the beach. There is also a rest area nearby.

Ice cream lovers (or anyone wanting to beat the heat) should stop at the village convenience store for a delicious cold treat!

Services and commodities

? Seasonal tourist information office