Pêcherie Manicouagan - Baie-Comeau


334, boul. La Salle,
Baie-Comeau (Quebec)
G4Z 2S5
Phone: 418 296-4124
No phone: 418 589-8800
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Price Legend: 50-100$
Périodes d’activités :
Starting and ending dates of operation :

Daily, generally from March to January.

Visit our Website


Ottawa: 705 km
Montréal: 577 km
Québec: 349 km


Pêcherie Manicouagan, which distributes Purmer products, has five retail fish shops that provide consumers with a full range of fresh seasonal fish and seafood products, including snow crab, shrimp, lobster, scallops, halibut, turbot, whelk and Stimpson's surf clams, as well as ready-to-eat items such as hot chowders. Our two stores located in Les Escoumins and Baie-Comeau also offer restaurant services.