Noryak Aventures


Km 1201, rte 138,
Longue-Pointe-de-Mingan (Quebec)
G0G 1V0
Phone: 418-949-2707
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Price Legend: plus de 150$
Périodes d’activités :
Starting and ending dates of operation :


Ottawa: 1037 km
Montréal: 900 km
Québec: 669 km


With the flow of a world-renowned river.

The Magpie experience

The adventure begins by floatplane which drops us off on Magpie Lake, in the middle of the boreal forest, far from civilization. We will then have 6 days to discover this wild territory, alternating between the rapids and the calmer waters of the river. There will be time for swimming, fishing, and wonderful evenings under the stars enjoying delicious meals prepared with fresh local ingredients. This rafting adventure is designed to be accessible to less seasoned white-water paddlers.

Two options offered: Guided rafting expedition or expedition support service for whitewater paddlers. VIP and custom trips are also offered for private groups.

Available activity

7 Canoeing or boating