Restaurant Pêcherie Manicouagan


152, rue Saint-Marcellin Ouest,
Les Escoumins (Quebec)
G0T 1K0
Phone: 418-233-3122
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Price Legend: plus de 50$
Périodes d’activités :
Starting and ending dates of operation :


Ottawa: 578 km
Montréal: 446 km
Québec: 218 km


Enjoy a variety of fresh seafood caught daily, including fish, snow crab, shrimp, lobster, scallops, halibut, turbot, whelks and Arctic surf clams, that are also served in a delicious clam chowder. This fish market and restaurant features regional specialties served in the dining room or on the terrace overlooking the St. Lawrence. Regular and take-out menus available.

Services and commodities

÷ Catering: Patio