Jean-Lesage Generating Station - Manic-2


Km 20, rte 389 Nord,
Baie-Comeau (Quebec)
g4z 0a7
Toll free: 1 866 526‑2642
No phone: 1 866 LAMANIC
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Périodes d’activités :
Starting and ending dates of operation :

Every day, from June to August 2025. Guided tours at 9 am, 11 am, 1:30 pm and 3:30 pm.

By reservation only at reserverunevisite.hydroquebec.com. Average duration: 90 minutes.



Ottawa: 702 km
Montréal: 577 km
Québec: 351 km


A must-see attraction located 30 minutes north of Baie-Comeau. Jean-Lesage powerplant (Manic-2) is a huge hollow-joint gravity dam linked to a generating station powerful enough to supply electricity to a city of 250,000 people. 

Upon arrival, visit the Georges-Dor Pavilion, which was named after the singer/songwriter who wrote and performed the famous “La Manic” song. This reception building welcomes you with a life-size replica of a turbine, an exhibit hall and a multimedia room that explains the construction and operation of a dam. 

Inside the generating station, you can stand beneath a turbine-generator unit and feel its immense power as the 400-tonne structure rotates at a rate of 120 revolutions per minute. Visit the dam to see a hollow joint the size of a Boeing 747. Visit www.hydroquebec.com/visit for more information.

Please note that it is forbidden to park your recreational vehicle overnight on Hydro-Québec properties.

Available activity

î Guided activity

Services and commodities

P Electric charging station nearby
$ Free activity

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