Galets de Baie-de-la-Tour Beach


Port-Menier (Quebec)
G0G 2Y0
Phone: 418 535-0156
Toll free: 1 800 463-0863
Contact us by email
Visit our website

General Informations

Starting and ending dates of operation :

Périodes d’activités :
Price : None
Duration : Less than a hour
Longueur : Less than 1 km
: 0 to 50 meters
Difficulty : Easy
Type : Linear
Pets allowed : No
Accomodation on site : No


Ottawa: 1093 km
Montréal: 945 km
Québec: 717 km


Info: 25 chemin des Forestiers − 418-535-0156 or 1-800-463-0863 sepaq.com/anticosti Access: from Port-Menier, drive 177 km east on the Trans-Anticosti Highway; access via the parking lot or the campground.

Available activity

Ÿ Bird watching
% Observation of marine mammals