Fédération Québécoise des gestionnaires de zec (Zecs Québec)


3137 rue Laberge ,
Québec (Quebec)
G1X 4B5
Phone: 418 527-0235
Contact us by email
Visit our website

Périodes d’activités :
Starting and ending dates of operation :


Ottawa: 369 km
Montréal: 223 km
Québec: 8 km


Zecs Québec, or the Fédération québécoise des gestionnaires de zecs (FQGZ), is a non-profit organization like the 63 zec management organizations it represents. It is the one and only official spokesperson appointed by the government, and ratified by the federation's general assembly, to represent hunting, fishing and outdoor activity zecs.

Available activity

7 Canoeing or boating
@ Fishing
& Hiking trail nearby
à Hunting
Î Ice fishing
ä Quad trail (ATV) nearby

Services and commodities

ö Equipment rental on site
h Sanitary block (toilet) nearby