Comment or dissatisfaction

To submit a comment or dissatisfaction about a tourism service in Quebec, contact by phone or email:

Alliance de l'industrie touristique du Québec

Telephone: 1-877-686-8358, option 7

Complete the official complaint form: http://www.tourisme.gouv.qc.ca/messages/contact-plaintes-industries.php

The Alliance de l'industrie touristique du Québec is responsible for welcoming and addressing dissatisfaction with the provision of tourism services in Quebec, as noted on the website: https://alliancetouristique.com/commentaire/.
Bonus Tool

The systematic management of dissatisfaction is part of a global approach to improving quality and thus developing and maintaining a world-class tourism offer. Quebec tourism businesses are committed to providing a positive experience to their customers. Responding to their comments, whether through regulation or a timely response, has proven to be a tool for continuous improvement.

According to the Centre of Expertise for Large Organizations, managing dissatisfaction includes collecting information that will help eliminate sources of potential problems for clients when designing a service.

In addition to improving customer satisfaction, managing dissatisfaction reduces the direct and indirect costs of non-quality; improves the customer-supplier relationship through good communication and greater transparency; avoids litigation, and empower staff to manage sensitive situations more effectively.
Processing Procedure

While working to promote Quebec's tourism industry, the Alliance de l'industrie touristique du Québec (l'Alliance) is responsible for welcoming and addressing dissatisfaction with the provision of tourism services in Quebec, except those offered by campsites.

The Alliance receives comments about a Quebec tourism company or organization.

The Alliance responds to the consumer, informs the consumer that its comments are forwarded to the operator of the establishment concerned for review, evaluation and direct response, while copying its response to the Alliance.

If the operator has not responded within 10 business days of receiving the written complaint from the Alliance, the Alliance will issue a first reminder to the operator.

Concerned by the quality of the tourism offer in Quebec, the relevant sectoral and regional tourism associations are also copied in the various correspondence between the consumer and the establishment.

This dissatisfaction management process is not a judicial remedy. Rather, it is a reconciliation initiative between the parties.

Institutions usually respond to dissatisfaction brought to their attention within a reasonable period of time. However, some of them may choose not to follow up, despite the Alliance's two reminders.