Centre national des naufrages du Québec


27 rte 138 ,
Baie-Trinité (Quebec)
G0H 1A0
Phone: 418 297-6798
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Price Legend: moins de 15$
Périodes d’activités :
Starting and ending dates of operation :

Opening in june 2025


Ottawa: 772 km
Montréal: 641 km
Québec: 411 km


It is :

  • The story of the 1690 sinking of the ship Elizabeth and Mary of Admiral William Phips' fleet told...
  • A page of Quebec history revisited...
  • A treacherous coast for sailors to explore...

The Center aims to be a lively place for exchanges, experiences and discoveries, which reconnects visitors to the maritime history of the North Shore and the St. Lawrence River. Through some artifacts from shipwrecks, including the oldest known in Quebec, that of the Elisabeth & Mary, and the work of local artists inspired by the river, the center promotes maritime heritage. On one side, an archaeological exhibition shows everyday objects of sailors who traveled the waters of the river, and on the other, artistic products recall our link with the river.

Available activity

î Guided activity

Services and commodities

£ Crafts
Ï View of water