Camping Lac Walker Réserve faunique de Sept-Îles-Port-Cartier


64, rte 138 (lac Walker),
Port-Cartier (Quebec)
G5B 0B7
Phone: 581 824-1008
Toll free: 1 800 665-6527
No phone: 418 766 2524
Contact us by email
Visit our website

Number of sites : 50
Price Legend: 30-50$
Périodes d’activités :
Starting and ending dates of operation :

May 30 to Aug. 31, 2025


Ottawa: 826 km
Montréal: 703 km
Québec: 477 km


This fully serviced campground on Lac Walker in Réserve faunique de Port-Cartier-Sept-Îles (wildlife reserve) is located 27 km north of Port-Cartier or 25 minutes from downtown Port-Cartier. A number of activities such as trout fishing, salmon fishing, hiking, and canoeing are available. Gasoline is available for motorboats, which can be rented along with canoes.

#CITQ : 201666