Bureau d'information touristique de Port-Cartier
Credit : sébastien St-Jean


64, rte 138,
Port-Cartier (Quebec)
G5B 0B7
Phone: 418 766-4414
Toll free: 1 888 766-6944
Contact us by email
Visit our website

Périodes d’activités :
Starting and ending dates of operation :

From mid-June to the end of August, daily from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.


Ottawa: 833 km
Montréal: 707 km
Québec: 479 km


The Port-Cartier Visitor Information Centre is located in the west end of Port-Cartier, in the multi-service Shell gas station/McDonald's complex.

On site: tourist information, booking assistance, tourist brochures, free Wi-Fi, local products shop.

Other services in the building: Boni-Soir convenience store, ATM, restrooms.

The location also houses the administrative offices of SÉPAQ - Réserve faunique Port-Cartier/Sept-Îles.

Services and commodities

? Seasonal tourist information office