Sept-Îles and its riches, to savour, to discover and to enjoy. Here is a preview to give you the taste to come and enjoy its charms. And God knows there's more!
I see? Islands, the sea, proximity, marine mammals, warm and welcoming people, the works of our craftsmen in nature, places still unknown, a city and its riches, where everything is within reach, in no time.
I eat? Without hesitation, seafood! We could talk to you about restaurants, but we will opt for fishmongers! On Arnaud Avenue, which runs along the water, we have two, the Fortier and the Soucy. You can enjoy! If it weren't for COVID and its measures, we would have suggested two places, two restaurants, the Captain's Terrace, or even better, the Fisherman's Snack, inside his lobster cage, but keep that in your notes. Are you also thirsty? A good beer, with the flavours and colours of the region, at the microbrewery La Compagnie. I admit, I am sold in advance! In short, no matter where in Sept-Îles, you will not starve, and you will certainly be able to hydrate.
I close my eyes? What could be more pleasant and beautiful for the ear than the sound of the water, of the wave hitting the land, lying on the beach - and there are miles of it - or even sitting on the Old Quay promenade. Even through the cries of the gulls! It is also possible to let oneself be lulled by the song of the birds in the different paths.
While walking along the Promenade du Vieux-Quai, it will be possible to hear the waves hitting the rocks or simply contemplate the landscape.
I walk? Sept-Îles is nature, trails in the forest, in the heart of the city, on the outskirts or about 30 kilometres away, it's Aylmer-Whittom Park, our “Squirrel Park” that will be a beauty again this summer, but above all, it's the beaches, yes “the”, for kilometres and kilometres of sand as far as the eye can see. To the east, we go from Monaghan, to Ferguson, to Routhier, to Lévesque. To the west, there are those of Val-Marguerite, Rivière-Brochu and Gallix. And we have more!
Come, when you can, we'll make you discover even more why we love Sept-Îles so much!
By Sylvain Turcotte for the Côte-Nord tourist magazine Entre Nature et Démesure
I see? Islands, the sea, proximity, marine mammals, warm and welcoming people, the works of our craftsmen in nature, places still unknown, a city and its riches, where everything is within reach, in no time.
I eat? Without hesitation, seafood! We could talk to you about restaurants, but we will opt for fishmongers! On Arnaud Avenue, which runs along the water, we have two, the Fortier and the Soucy. You can enjoy! If it weren't for COVID and its measures, we would have suggested two places, two restaurants, the Captain's Terrace, or even better, the Fisherman's Snack, inside his lobster cage, but keep that in your notes. Are you also thirsty? A good beer, with the flavours and colours of the region, at the microbrewery La Compagnie. I admit, I am sold in advance! In short, no matter where in Sept-Îles, you will not starve, and you will certainly be able to hydrate.
I close my eyes? What could be more pleasant and beautiful for the ear than the sound of the water, of the wave hitting the land, lying on the beach - and there are miles of it - or even sitting on the Old Quay promenade. Even through the cries of the gulls! It is also possible to let oneself be lulled by the song of the birds in the different paths.
While walking along the Promenade du Vieux-Quai, it will be possible to hear the waves hitting the rocks or simply contemplate the landscape.
I walk? Sept-Îles is nature, trails in the forest, in the heart of the city, on the outskirts or about 30 kilometres away, it's Aylmer-Whittom Park, our “Squirrel Park” that will be a beauty again this summer, but above all, it's the beaches, yes “the”, for kilometres and kilometres of sand as far as the eye can see. To the east, we go from Monaghan, to Ferguson, to Routhier, to Lévesque. To the west, there are those of Val-Marguerite, Rivière-Brochu and Gallix. And we have more!
Come, when you can, we'll make you discover even more why we love Sept-Îles so much!
By Sylvain Turcotte for the Côte-Nord tourist magazine Entre Nature et Démesure