Auberge du Nord-Côtier


4373, rue des Pionniers,
Rivière-Pentecôte (Quebec)
G0H 1R0
Phone: 418 799-2691
No phone: 418 517-0116
Contact us by email
Visit our website

Number of units : 4
Price Legend: 100-150$
Périodes d’activités :
Starting and ending dates of operation :

Open year-round


Ottawa: 801 km
Montréal: 674 km
Québec: 446 km


Sleep in the chic and rustic comfort of the auberge, take advantage of a magnificent view overlooking the immense bay of this magical site. Discover a gastronomy directly from the garden of the sea: seal, snow crab, seagrass. Enjoy the flavours of the boreal forest: wild berries, mushrooms from our pickers...Come experience the North!

#CITQ : 263502