Alice-in-Wonderland interactive activity


4, rue Labrie,
Pointe-aux-Outardes (Quebec)
G0H 1M0
Phone: 418 567-4227
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Visit our website

Price Legend: 15-30$
Périodes d’activités :
Starting and ending dates of operation :

Every day, between 9h30 and 14h30. 1 groupe each 30 minutes.



Ottawa: 678 km
Montréal: 550 km
Québec: 322 km


Come and discover an outdoor 2.5 km with this Alice in Wonderland inspired treasure hunt! Fairy-tale setting, with a real labyrinth, historicals characters, and riddles you can solve with your five senses, bring you closer to understanding the distinctive North Shore historical way of life. More than 10 riddles along the way for players of all age and 10 discovery halts where you can learn more about the faboulus world of Parc Nature.


Available activity

î Guided activity
& Hiking trail nearby

Services and commodities

ú Accomodation
5 Paid activity
h Picnic area nearby
Ï View of water