

Across the territory, hunting activities are within your reach in a privileged environment. Most outfitters are easily accessible by road. Others are more remote and can be reached by plane, boat, or train.

The exclusive territories of our outfitters undoubtedly make them the most exceptional hunting grounds in Quebec, both for the abundance and diversity of game.

With baiting sites and a steadily growing moose population, our outfitters guarantee a hunting experience in harmony with nature and of unparalleled quality. Offering full accommodation services, facilities to enhance your success such as blinds, the option to use boats and ATVs, in addition to providing a multitude of services and support during your stay, you will live the hunting experience of a lifetime!

For enthusiasts of bear hunting, our game-rich territories will ensure the success of your hunt, with a high density of bears per square kilometer at our specially baited sites.

The majority of our outfitters also offer small game hunting in various forms and packages tailored to your needs.

Recognized as an exceptional territory for whitetail deer hunting, our outfitters located on Anticosti Island offer different travel packages where you will be immersed in breathtaking nature.

Visit the Outfitters section to view the offers from our various outfitters. Thanks to our advanced search engine, choose your criteria and you will have access to outfitters that will meet your requirements and offer you a personalized and Larger than Life experience!

Here's a preview of the species you'll encounter for a Larger than Life hunting adventure.

  • Moose (Alces americanus)

    The Alces americanus, commonly known as moose, is a large herbivorous cervid living in the boreal and mixed forests of the northern hemisphere. The moose is hunted for its meat and sporting for its horns.

  • Black Bear (Ursus americanus)

    The black bear of America is a mammal of the ursid family. The black bear is a bulky and thick-set mammal. Omnivore, black bears feed on vegetables, nuts, berries and fish according to the seasons. It can travel great distances and covers a territory of a large area.cie.

  • Virginia Deer (Odocoileus virginianus)

    The Virginia deer is a cervid present in great numbers on the island of Anticosti. One recognizes it with its red coat, these smaller woods and its black and pointed clogs. Its population on the island of Anticosti is very important.

  • Ruffed Grouse (Bonasa umbellus)

    Nicknamed partridge, the ruffed grouse is present in the forests of the North Shore. The partridge is part of small wild game birds and is very popular during the hunting season. It is often compared to a forest hen.

  • Spruce Grouse (Falcipennis canadensis)

    The spruce grouse, called black partridge, is a small game birds with chicken-like appearance. The chest and throat are black and the belly is striped black and white. It is found in coniferous forests and peatlands.

  • Snowshoe Hare (Lepus americanus)

    Discreet, the snowshoe hare is one of the most prevalent game in Canada. During the summer season, its coat is brown. Its coat becomes white in winter. It is often hunted by snare.



Black Bear

Virginia deer

Ruffed Grouse

Spruce Grouse

Snowshoe Hare